Following in the wake of the Voxel collection, created by the world-renowned designer Karim Rashid, a sun lounger with a modern style and outdoor functionality has been born.
Manufactured by injected polypropylene and reinforced with fiberglass, it’s been characterized by its geometric, angled, and faceted shapes.
This sun lounger meets all hospitality needs: it’s sturdy, stackable and has two wheels which makes it easier to move.
It is also shaped like a skate, preventing it from sinking into the sand, so it’s the ideal option for sunbathing or relaxing by the pool or by the sea.
Comprising of a polyester fabric, its breathability is ensured. In addition, the (fabric) fastening patent means this fabric can be quickly and easily replaced.
Its reclining backrest has 4 different positions, which allows you to find the most comfortable posture.
This design suits all and is ideal in every modern decor atmosphere. Get ready to experience the pleasure of outdoor furniture in a creative and stimulating way.