LEO is a deployable surgery training console, offering:
EASE OF USE. It is the only training system that fits in an airplane cabin baggage, it weighs less than 10 kilograms. Set up your training center in less than two minutes and store it in a cabinet when you are done.
EFFECTIVE TRAINING. It is the only system that faithfully reproduces the look and feel of the robot console. Its accurate simulations ensure an effective training and save trainee’s and supervisor’s precious time.
CLOUD DATA ACCESS. It stores training data in the Cloud. Thus, users can track their progress with ease and a supervisor can analyze and evaluate a user's skill improvement over time from any platform.
Easy to integrate in your project:
• USB connection for power supply and data acquisition
• HDMI connection for monitor control with side-by-side stereoscopy (no need for distortion compensation)
• Bluetooth pedal tray for fast deployment (optional)
• Customizable communication protocol (standard version supports Windows and Linux)
Speed up software development:
• Test your software in a realistic environment
• Test your software since the beginning
• Bring the system to your users, not vice versa.