Corensis is a vital measurement platform that enables automation of medical measurements, digitalization of medical records, and increasing access to healthcare services in hospitals, medical centers, or public areas. Thanks to its unique design, the smart voice and the visual assistant, it allows patients to measure their body temperature, blood oxygenation level, respiratory rate, single-lead ECG, blood pressure, weight and height by themself.
Technology in the medical field has had a massive impact on nearly all processes and practices of healthcare professionals. It helps doctors to improve care delivery, create operational efficiencies, and enhance patient and staff experience. As the healthcare system shifts toward paying for patient outcomes, hospitals will focus on reducing costs, improving quality, and boosting consumer experience.
The optimized feature set of Corensis exactly fulfills the need for measuring the vitals that physicians needed most before the examination. It was ensured that the design is user-friendly and provides unaided usage thanks to its big double-sided handles, comfortable seat and 32 inches led capacitive touch screen. Along with the medical look of the device, a warm design helps in avoiding the appalling atmosphere of hospitals. Additionally, the positioning of the vital measuring devices used in the platform as designed like originals makes the device compelling.
The operation flow of the platform; first, the patient registers to the unattended vital measurement platform with a facial recognition system or ID number registration. After the registration step, the patient enters his/her medication history, operation history, smoking status, allergies, and related symptoms to the digital anamnesis form. After that, the patient measures his/her body temperature, blood oxygenation level, respiratory rate, single-lead ECG, blood pressure, weight and height with the help of the smart voice and visual assistant. When the measurements are completed, the results are uploaded to the cloud system to be sent to the hospital servers. Before the examination, the doctor can reach the patient’s online report and medical information.
The project started in November 2018 in Turkey. The unique design and development of Corensis Vital Measurement Kiosk were completed in January 2019, in Istanbul, Turkey. Its unique design belongs to in house innovation team of Arçelik.